The first volume of the dictionary proper contains the first part of the articles pertaining to the human body. This section begins with a double article investigating the anthroponymic issues posed by the etymon 'homo', surname and personal name, followed by 'corpus' and related etyma. These are followed by major articles on such entries as caput/*capitia, testa, cornu, oculus, dens, nasus, bracchium, manus, pantex, etc. and smaller articles on such words as frons, lingua, auricula, collum, venter, cauda, culus, digitus, pollex. These different articles already broach most of the problems posed by the analysis of the etyma from an anthroponymic viewpoint. They display the whole range of difficulties facing the analysis of certain personal names (lexemes versus detoponymics) and at the same time reflect the undeniable advantages of the PatRom approach.