Personenregister (Verfasser und Biographien ) —— G - K

----- 人事登记册(作者和传记):G-K

ISBN: 9783598234880 出版年:2011 页码:452 Hagelweide, Gert De Gruyter Saur


With the twenty volumes of this work, Gert Hagelweide has achieved the monumental task of providing the first bibliographical account of all the publications and serials relating to the press in the German cultural area - from the beginnings up to 1970. 15 of the edition's volumes are devoted to the literature from all subject areas of the German press, of the world of publishing and journalism, of the various forms of expression, of communication systems, and last but not least, of press law.This fund of over 170,000 bibliographical references is complemented by five volumes of indexes - a four-volume index of authors and biographies and a fifth volume (Vol. 20) with indexes of the titles of newspapers and journals, of printers and publishers, of places of publication, together with a detailed overall table of contents taking up 50 pages. now complete over 170,000 systematically ordered bibliographical references bibliography of all publications relating to the press from the German-speaking world from the beginnings up to and including 1970

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