Bildung Und Briefe Im 6. Jahrhundert —— Studien zum Mailänder Diakon Magnus Felix Ennodius

----- 6世纪的教育和书信:米兰执事马格纳斯·费利克斯·恩诺迪亚斯的研究

ISBN: 9783110199550 出版年:2011 页码:412 Schroder, Bianca-Jeanette De Gruyter


MILLENNIUM pursues an interdisciplinary approach transcending historical eras. The editorial board and the advisory board represent a wide range of disciplines - contributions from art and literary studies are just as welcome as historical, theological and philosophical contributions on both the Latin and Greek and the Oriental cultures. The STUDIES present relevant monographs or collections of papers from across the whole range of topics. The YEARBOOK contains authoritative articles. As the links between the various articles are sketched out in a comprehensive editorial, their diversity is intended to encourage dialogue between the disciplines and national research cultures. MILLENNIUM does not publish individual reviews, but does on occasions produce literature surveys. The languages of publication are principally English and German, but articles in French, Italian and Spanish can also be accommodated.

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