Ergativity, Valency And Voice

ISBN: 9783110227727 出版年:2012 页码:396 Authier, Gilles Haude, Katharina De Gruyter Mouton


This volume is a collection of articles concerned with the typology of valency and valence change in a large and diversified sample of languages that display ergative alignment in their grammar. The authors are specialists on one or more ergative language(s), on which many of them have produced grammatical descriptions. The sample of languages represented in these descriptive contributions covers most of the geographical areas and linguistic families in which ergativity has been known to exist jointly with well-developed morphological voice, and some languages belonging to families in which ergativity or voice were not previously recognized or adequately described up to now. Geographical regions covered are the Americas, the Caucasus, Asia, and Near East.

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