Timon Of Phlius —— Pyrrhonism into Poetry

----- 提蒙:怀疑主义诗歌

ISBN: 9783110220803 出版年:2009 页码:272 Clayman, Dee L De Gruyter


Early Skepticism and its founder, Pyrrho of Elis, were introduced to the world in the third century BCE by the poet and philosopher Timon of Phlius. This is the first book-length study in English of the fragments of Timon′s works. Of his more than 100 titles, four fragments remain of a catalogue elegy, the Indalmoi, and 133 verses of the Silloi, a hexameter parody in three books in which Timon ridicules philosophers of all periods whom he observes on a trip to Hades. Dee L. Clayman reconstructs the books of the Silloi starting from an outline in Diogenes Laertius and the book numbers assigned to a few fragments by their sources. This has not been attempted since Wachsmuth′s edition of 1885, and carries his approach further by careful observation of syntactic and contextual clues in the text.
