Psycholinguistik. Psycholinguistics —— Ein internationales Handbuch. An International Handbook


ISBN: 9783110114249 出版年:2008 页码:957 Rickheit, Gert Deutsch, Werner Herrmann, Theo De Gruyter Mouton


This handbook focuses on new theoretical challenges associated with process-oriented psycholinguistics.Speech acts are embedded in situations that may vary in a multitude of parameters. Speech production and comprehension necessarily have to be both robust and flexible. Flexibility includes that speakers vary in speed, articulation, choice of words and interaction style, depending on specific context conditions. There is need of theoretical approaches that do not exclusively stick to ideals such as grammaticality and coherence - which collapse when confronted with irregularities - but are robust enough to deal with irregularities and disruptions.The handbook describes different methods of analyzing or reconstructing variants and options of language use. The articles contain transcriptions of spontaneous speech as well as experimentally verified studies.

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