Applied Engineering Decisions in the Context of Sustainable Development

ISBN: 9783038353201 出版年:2014 页码:8 Trans Tech Publications Ltd


Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Green Materials and Environmental Engineering (GMEE2014), September 21-22, 2014, Hong Kong. The 194 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Nanomaterials and Applied Nanotechnologies, Chapter 2: Applied Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Chapter 3: Biology, Biotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, Chapter 4: Environmental Engineering, Waste Recycling and Sustainable Development, Chapter 5: Architecture, Technologies and Materials in Construction, Chapter 6: Designing and Research in General Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Processes, Chapter 7: Computational Methods and Algorithms for Engineering Research and Design, Chapter 8: Industrial Engineering and Business Management.

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