This is a collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th international conference on mechatronic systems and materials (MSM 2013), july 1-3, 2013, vilnius, lithuania. The 170 papers are grouped as follows: chapter 1: mechatronic systems I: (industrial robotics; microrobotics; mobile robots; analysis of vibration), chapter 2: mechatronic systems II: (optimization; optimal design; integrated diagnostics; failure analysis; tribology in mechatronics systems; analysis of signals), chapter 3: mechatronic systems III: (applications of artificial intelligence; sensors and actuators in mechatronics; control of mechatronics systems), and, chapter 4: materials: (multifunctional and smart materials; metallic alloys; piezoelectric materials; nanomaterials; ceramics and glasses; biomaterials and technology; coatings and properties), and, chapter 5: engineering technologies: (advanced and digital manufacturing; systems engineering; micro and nano technologies; materials joining technologies; modeling and optimization of processes).