Computer and Information Technology

ISBN: 9783038350194 出版年:2014 页码:1,731 Trans Tech Publications Ltd


Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the international forum on computer and information technology (ifcit 2013), december 24-25, 2013, shenzhen, china. the 335 papers are grouped as follows: chapter 1: databases, data processing and data management, chapter 2: parallel and distributed computing, chapter 3: computer network technology and applications, chapter 4: software engineering, chapter 5: e-commerce and e-government, chapter 6: multimedia technology and application, chapter 7: computer vision and image processing technology, chapter 8: artificial intelligence, intelligent algorithms and computational mathematics, chapter 9: computer aided design and research, chapter 10: communications technology and signal processing, chapter 11: electronic devices and embedded systems, chapter 12: intelligent instruments, techniques for detection and testing, sensors and measurement, chapter 13: automation and control, chapter 14: information technologies in engineering management, chapter 15: enterprise resource planning and management system, chapter 16: information technologies in education.

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