Metal Science: Past, Present and Future

ISBN: 9783037859971 出版年:2013 页码:274 Trans Tech Publications Ltd


Metals, because of their inherent properties, have been in service to mankind from the Early Periods. Metal craft started turning into metal science in the 19th Century and got matured in 20th century. The present book, to the best of author’s memory, is the first attempt to present the history of metal science in one volume, covering both extractive and physical metallurgy. The book is aimed as a supplementary text book for students in metallurgy and materials science and also selectively for general readers. After a brief introduction (Chapter 1), the second and third chapters are devoted to extractive metallurgy. The chapters related to physical metallurgy (4th to 6th) are written in a sequence such that the description of structures is given first, before highlighting the properties of metals and alloys.
