Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd international conference on materials science and engineering (ICMSE2013), march 8-10, 2013, jiujiang, china. The papers are grouped as follows: chapter 1: composite materials and technologies; chapter 2: chemical materials and technologies;chapter 3: polymer materials and technologies;chapter 4: material removal and processing technologies, recycling applications; chapter 5: nanomaterials and nanotechnologies;chapter 6: control and guided systems; chapter 7: advanced technologies in manufacturing, mechanical engineering and industry, design, modeling, analysis and simulation; chapter 8: dynamics and mechanics of physical prosesses and behavior in manufacturing and materials; chapter 9: materials optical, magnetic and electrical properties and technologies, films and devices applications; chapter 10: alloys, steel materials and technologies; chapter 11: biomaterials, natural materials and technologies; chapter 12: automation, optimization, algorithmes in manufacturing and industry, applications.