Ductility of Bulk Nanostructured Materials

ISBN: 9780878493050 出版年:2009 页码:697 Trans Tech Publications Ltd


Strength and ductility are two of the most important mechanical properties of structural materials, but this usually involves a trade-off, because of the fundamental inverse proportionality of these two features. Since the 1980s, bulk nanostructured materials have emerged as a new class of material having unusual structures and, as a result, have attracted increasing attention. Unfortunately, most bulk nanostructured materials still do not evade the strength-ductility trade-off dilemma, and usually have very poor ductility. The poor ductility of bulk nanostructured materials has indeed become a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to the widespread technological application of structural bulk nanostructured materials.This special topic volume brings together fifty-eight invited papers, from twenty countries, covering a wide range of issues related to the ductility of bulk nanostructured materials.

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