Advances in Organic Light-Emitting Device

ISBN: 9780878494835 出版年:2008 页码:153 Trans Tech Publications Ltd


Organic electroluminescence (OEL) is the phenomenon of electrically-driven emission of light from organic materials; including both fluorescent and phosphorescent organic solids. The organic light-emitting device (OLED), which exploits OEL emission from organic semiconducting thin films (with thicknesses of less than a few hundred nanometers), sandwiched between electrodes, has attracted keen interest in its application to flat-panel displays, due to its high luminous efficiency, low driving voltage, tunable colors as well as a convenient device-structure design and low fabrication costs when compared with every other known display device.This book describes the general principle of device operation, recent progress made in materials and device design, optimization of device structures, some pertinent processing issues, market trends and the future outlook for OLED-related applications.

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