SAGE Directions in Organization Studies

ISBN: 9781848608689 出版年:2009 页码:1,837 SAGE Publications Ltd


Volume One Histories The Roots of Uncertainty in Organization Theory: A Historical Constructivist Analysis - Yehouda Shenhav and Ely Weitz From King to Court Jester? Weber's Fall from Grace in Organizational Theory - Michael Lounsbury and Edward J. Carberry 'Dead Selves': The Birth of the Modern Career - Alan McKinlay Shouldn't Organization Theory Emerge from Adolescence? - William H. Starbuck The Study of Organizations and Organizing since 1945 - James G. March Managing Foucault: Genealogies of Management - Alan McKinlay From Freemasons to the Employee: Organization, History and Subjectivity - Tim Newton Ties to the Past in Organization Research: A Comparative Analysis of Retrospective Methods - Julie Wolfram Cox and John Hassard The New Structuralism in Organizational Theory - Michael Lounsbury and Marc Ventresca Institutions and Evolutions Lords of the Dance: Professionals as Institutional Agents - W. Richard Scott Co-Evolution of Entrepreneurial Careers, Institutional Rules and Competitive Dynamics in American Film, 1895-1920 - Candace Jones Co-Evolution of Firm Capabilities and Industry Competition: Investigating the Music Industry, 1877-1997 - Marc Huygens, Charles Baden-Fuller, Frans A.J. Van Den Bosch and Henk W. Volberda The Co-Evolution of Institutional Environments and Organizational Strategies: The Rise of Family Business Groups in the ASEAN Region - Michael Carney and Eric Gedajlovic From Moby Dick to Free Willy: Macro-Cultural Discourse and Institutional Entrepreneurship in Emerging Institutional Fields - Thomas B. Lawrence and Nelson Phillips New Practice Creation: An Institutional Perspective on Innovation - Michael Lounsbury and Ellen T. Crumley The Institutional Entrepreneur as Modern Prince: The Strategic Face of Power in Contested Fields - David Levy and Maureen Scully A Critical Realist Approach to Institutional Entrepreneurship - Bernard Leca and Philippe Naccache How Institutions Form: Loose Coupling as Mechanism in Gouldner's Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy - Tim Hallett and Marc J. Ventresca New Organizational Forms: Towards a Generative Dialogue - Ian Palmer, Jodie Benveniste and Richard Dunford The Rise of Post-Bureaucracy: Theorists' Fancy or Organizational Praxis? - Phil Johnson, Geoffrey Wood, Chris Brewster and Michael Brookes Volume Two Process and Practice Theories Faith, Evidence, and Action: Better Guesses in an Unknowable World - Karl E. Weick Organizing Is Both a Verb and a Noun: Weick Meets Whitehead - Tore Bakken and Tor Hernes The Sites of Organizations - Theodore R. Schatzki Introduction to the Symposium on the Foundations of Organizing: The Contribution from Garfinkel, Goffman and Sacks - Dalvir Samra-Fredericks and Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini Goffman on Organizations - Peter K. Manning Harold Garfinkel, Ethnomethodology and Workplace Studies - Anne Warfield Rawls Organization in Actual Episodes of Work: Harvey Sacks and Organization Studies - Nick Llewellyn Organs of Process: Rethinking Human Organization - Robert Cooper Organizations as Distinction Generating and Processing Systems: Niklas Luhmann's Contribution to Organization Studies - David Seidl and Kai Helge Becker Discourses Varieties of Discourse: On the Study of Organizations through Discourse Analysis - Mats Alvesson and Dan Karreman Standardization, Globalization and Rationalities of Government - Winton Higgins and Kristina Tamm Hallstrom Discourse Analysis in Organization Studies: The Case for Critical Realism - Norman Fairclough Embedded Ethics: Discourse and Power in the New South Wales Police Service - Ray Gordon, Stewart Clegg and Martin Kornberger On the Multi-Modality, Materiality and Contingency of Organization Discourse - Rick Iedema Organizational Context and the Discursive Construction of Organizing - John A.A. Sillince The Application of Rhetorical Theory in Managerial Research: A Literature Review - E. Johanna Hartelius and Larry D. Browning Meaning in Organizational Communication: Why Metaphor Is the Cake, Not the Icing - Raymond Hogler, Michael A. Gross, Jackie L. Hartman and Ann L. Cunliffe Volume Three Organizing Time, Space and Embodiment On Time, Space, and Action Nets - Barbara Czarniawska Organizational Time: A Dialectical View - Miguel Pina e Cunha The Temporalization of Financial Markets: From Network to Flow - Karin Knorr Cetina and Alex Preda The Night of the Bug: Technology, Risk and (dis)Organization at the fin de siecle - David Knights, Theo Vurdubakis and Hugh Willmott Place, Space and Time: Contextualizing Workplace Subjectivities - Susan Halford and Pauline Leonard Stretching Out and Expanding Work Practices in Time and Space: The Case of Telemedicine - Davide Nicolini Knowing Bodies at Work: Embodiment and Ephemeral Teamwork in Anaesthesia - Jon Hindmarsh and Alison Pilnick Dance-Work: Images of Organization in Irish Dance - Donncha Kavanagh, Carmen Kuhling and Kieran Keohane Organizing Identity Identities and Insecurities: Selves at Work - David L. Collinson The Tyranny of the Epochal: Change, Epochalism and Organizational Reform - Paul du Gay Theorizing the Micro-Politics of Resistance: New Public Management and Managerial Identities in the UK Public Services - Robyn Thomas and Annette Davies Cages in Tandem: Management Control, Social Identity, and Identification in a Knowledge-Intensive Firm - Dan Karreman and Mats Alvesson Double Agents: Gendered Organizational Culture, Control and Resistance - Beverley Hawkins Sexuality, Power and Resistance in the Workplace - Peter Fleming The Importance of Being 'Indian': Identity Centrality and Work Outcomes in an Off-Shored Call Center in India - Diya Das, Ravi Dharwadkar and Pamela Brandes Albert and Whetten Revisited: Strengthening the Concept of Organizational Identity - David A. Whetten Mobilizing Identities: Uncertainty and Control in Strategy - Harrison C. White, Frederic C. Godart and Victor P. Corona Desperately Seeking Legitimacy: Organizational Identity and Emerging Industries - Stewart R. Clegg, Carl Rhodes and Martin Kornberger Volume Four Cultures and Organizations Culture and Organization Theory - Calvin Morrill Governmentality Matters: Designing an Alliance Culture of Inter-Organizational Collaboration for Managing Projects - Stewart R. Clegg, Tyrone S. Pitsis, Thekla Rura-Polley and Marton Marosszeky The Political Dynamics of Organizational Culture in an Institutionalized Environment - Suzana Braga Rodrigues In Search of Identity and Legitimation: Bridging Organizational Culture and Neoinstitutionalism - Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen and Frank Dobbin Hofstede's Model of National Cultural Differences and Their Consequences: A Triumph of Faith - A Failure of Analysis - Brendan McSweeney D'Oh: The Simpsons, Popular Culture, and the Organizational Carnival - Carl Rhodes Pop (Culture) Goes the Organization: On Highbrow, Lowbrow and Hybrids in Studying Popular Culture within Organization Studies - Alf Rehn Organization/s and/as Relations of Power Reflections on Seven Ways of Creating Power - Mark Haugaard What B Would Otherwise Do: A Critique of Conceptualizations of 'Power' in Organizational Theory - Galit Ailon The Politics of Gossip and Denial in Interorganizational Relations - Ad van Iterson and Stewart R. Clegg Metaphors of Resistance - Peter Fleming The Fox and the Hedgehog Go to Work: A Natural History of Workplace Collusion - Graham Sewell Rituals and Resistance: Membership Dynamics in Professional Fields - Thomas B. Lawrence Circuits of Power in Practice: Strategic Ambiguity as Delegation of Authority - Sally Davenport and Shirley Leitch Necrocapitalism - Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee From Binarism Back to Hybridity: A Postcolonial Reading of Management and Organization Studies - Michal Frenkel and Yehouda Shenhav Organization Studies and Epistemic Coloniality in Latin America: Thinking Otherness from the Margins - Eduardo Ibarra-Colado

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