----- 参与政治学:从雅典到电子民主
Introduction A note on the data PART I: THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF CITIZEN POLITICS 1. Understanding citizen politics: a methodological overview 2. Participation and democracy from the Greeks to our times PART II: EMPIRICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CITIZEN POLITICS 3. An empirical approach to citizen politics 4. Bottom-up politics: riots and extra-parliamentary politics 5. Top-down initiated citizen politics: E-democracy, citizen juries and designer politics 6. Citizens as voters 7. Excursus: The power of the representatives PART III: CASE STUDIES IN CITIZEN DEMOCRACY 8. Decisions to hold referendums in the UK 9. Voting by the people: the referendums on the European constitution 10. Absentee voting in a comparative perspective 11. Quo vadis democracy? References