----- 欧盟的宪法改革
Introduction, Grainne de Burca and Joanne Scott flexibility within a metaconstitutional frame - reflections on the future of legal authority in Europe, Neil Walker "old flexibility" - international agreements between member states of the EU, Bruno de Witte flexible models - external policy and the European economic constitution, Marise Cremona closer co-operation and the court of justice, Carole Lyons flexibility in the geographical scope of EU law, Jacque Ziller differentiation within the "core"? the case of the internal market, Grainne de Burca EMU and the catch-22 of EU constitution-making, Filip Tuytschaever flexibility and European law - a labour lawyer's view, Miguel Rodriguez-Pineiro Royo finding space for closer co-operation in the field of culture, Stephen Weatherill flexibility, "proceduralization" and environmental governance in the EU, Joanne Scott flexibility and co-operative law, Karl-Heinz Ladeur flexibility and models of governance for the EU, Eric Philippart and Monika Sie Dhian Ho constitutionalism and flexibility in the EU - developing a relational approach, Jo Shaw.