----- 二氧化碳(CO2)的捕获和存储技术的发展与创新
Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) is the one advanced technology that conventional power generation cannot do without. CCS technology reduces the carbon footprint of power plants by capturing and storing the CO2 emissions from burning fossil-fuels and biomass. This volume provides a comprehensive reference on the state of the art research, development and demonstration of carbon capture technology in the power sector and in industry. It critically reviews the range of post- and pre-combustion capture and combustion-based capture processes and technology applicable to fossil-fuel power plants, as well as applications of CCS in other high carbon footprint industries.Foreword written by Lord Oxburgh, Climate Science PeerReviews the economics, regulation and planning of carbon capture and storage for power plants and industryExplores developments in combustion processes and technologies for CO2 capture in power plants