Nineties cinema in perspective, Robert Murphy the British film industry, Peter Todd something for everyone - British film culture in the 1990s, Geoff Brown the film industry and the government - "Endless Mr Beans and Mr Bonds?", Toby Miller spoilt for choice? the rise and rise of the multiplex , Stuart hanson pathways into the industry, Kate Ogborn as others see us - British film-making and Europe in the 1990s, Ian Christie Hollywood UK, Neil Watson image and nation in the 1990s cinema, Moya Luckett here and then - space, place and nostalgia in British youth cinemaof the 1990s, Karen Lury black British cinema in the 90s - going, going, gone, Karen Alexander fewer weddings and more funerals - the heritage films in the 1990s, Pamela Church Gibson two sisters, the fogey, the priest and his lover - sexual plurality in 1990s British cinema, Stella Bruzzi unseen British cinema, Geoffrey Macnab travelling light - new directions for art cinema of the 90s, Claire Smith men in the 90s, Claire Monk not having it all - women and film in the 1990s, Charlotte Brunsdon failure and utopianism - class in British cinema of the 1990s, John Hill.