Climate, Energy, and Environment: Issues, Analyses, and Developments. Volume 4

ISBN: 9781634847537 出版年:2016 页码:191 Jake S Diaz Nova Science


The first chapter in this fourth volume of "Climate, Energy, and Environment: Issues, Analyses, and Developments" presents current topical research in the study of green building services, which include construction, architecture, engineering, and related activities aimed at creating sustainable structures using environmentally responsible processes and materials. Chapter Two discusses industry trends, global competition, and federal support of U.S. solar photovoltaic manufacturing. Chapter Three identifies the mechanisms behind the surprising decline in U.S. petroleum consumption relative to both recent levels and past projections. Chapter Four discusses the scientific understanding of the effects of ocean acidification; the extent to which federal agencies have implemented the Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act of 2009 (FOARAM); and additional actions, if any, that could be taken to advance the federal response to ocean acidification. Chapter Five provides a summary of recommendation for carbon dioxide storage in unconventional reservoirs workshop. Chapter Six concludes this volume with a description of the issues facing corrections policy and leadership as the impacts of climate change and its related consequences confront departments, agencies, and facilities in coming years.

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