Significant Health Statistics: Select Reports from Federal Agencies

ISBN: 9781634845649 出版年:2016 页码:171 Christopher Barrett Nova Science


This book provides significant health statistics through reports from federal agencies. The statistics discussed include updates on previously reported estimates for strategies used by U.S. adults aged 18 and over to reduce their prescription drug costs; regional variation in use of complementary health approached by U.S. adults; health care access and utilization among adults, by race and Hispanic origin; characteristics of hospital stays for super-utilizers by payer; trends in hospital readmissions; hospitalizations for patients aged 85 and over; prevalence of obesity among adults, children and adolescents; sexual activity, contraceptive use, and childbearing of teenagers; serious psychological distress among adults; racial and ethnic disparities in men's use of mental health treatments; and the leading cause of death contributing to decrease in life expectancy gap between black and white populations.

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