Body Image: Social Influences, Ethnic Differences and Impact on Self-Esteem

ISBN: 9781634839211 出版年:2015 页码:160 Rafael Vargas Nova Science


The relationship between self-esteem and body image has been well-established such that low levels of self-esteem have been found to be associated with body image concerns. The authors review previous research on the link between low self-esteem and body image concerns and then discuss more recent research concerning the importance of contingent self-esteem in this connection. The next chapter provides a discussion on the commonness of body dissatisfaction among contemporary Western young women and suggests re-embodiment as a means of transforming this experience. Chapter 3 explores the relationship between appearance satisfaction emotional overeating, experiences of racism and BMI among Black and African American women. Ethnic identity plays an important role in the self-concept related to feelings and attitudes. Chapter 4 explores the ethnic differences in self-esteem and body image among adolescents, as well as the need to address ethnicity in prevention programs. The remaining chapters of the book focus on body image in adolescent pregnancy; magazine image influence, extraversion and body image in college males; sociocultural factors, body image factors and self-esteem on school-age males and females, the perception of self-image in older people and how it changes throughout life; an examination of how the way woman perceive themselves influences the psychosexual impact on quality of life; and finally, how people can improve or develop a healthier investment in appearance.
