While many veterans who served in the military after September 11, 2001, have successfully readjusted to civilian life with minimal difficulties in the first few years after they were discharged, others have experienced difficulties. These readjustment difficulties include financial and employment, relationships, legal, homelessness, and substance abuse. According to VA’s strategic plan, one of its strategic objectives is to improve veteran wellness and economic security, and it states that the ultimate measure of VA’s success is the veteran’s success after leaving military service. However, there is limited and incomplete data to assess the extent to which veterans experience readjustment difficulties. Providing support and services for transitioning veterans is a key issue facing the nation. This book examines what is known about the extent to which veterans experience difficulties during their readjustment to civilian life; and how VA assists veterans in their readjustment, as well as what challenges and opportunities exist. This book also addresses the status of the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) implementation; the extent to which elements of effective implementation and evaluation of TAP have been addressed; and any challenges that may remain.