Airline Pilots and Aviation Professionals: Supply and Demand Issues

ISBN: 9781633210363 出版年:2014 页码:117 Angela Dillinger Nova Science


Over 66,000 airline pilot jobs exist for larger mainline and smaller regional airlines that operate over 7,000 commercial aircraft. After a decade of turmoil that curtailed growth in the industry and resulted in fewer pilots employed at airlines since 2000, recent industry forecasts indicate that the global aviation industry is poised for growth. However, stakeholders have voiced concerns that imminent retirements, fewer pilots exiting the military, and new rules increasing the number of flight hours required to become a first officer for an airline, could result in a shortage of qualified airline pilots. This book describes what available data and forecasts reveal about the need for and potential availability of airline pilots, and what actions industry and government are taking or could take to attract and retain airline pilots. It then discusses what available data and forecasts reveal about the need for and potential availability of aerospace engineers, aircraft mechanics, and avionics technicians, and what actions industry and the federal government are taking to help attract and retain these professionals.

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