The FPeLearning™ System for Education is a student-based creative technology-enhanced educational strategy that addresses all the aforementioned requisites and also encourages forums for critique, aids in the creation of potential digital repositories of knowledge, and may inspire portfolios of presentations designed by the students themselves. "The FPeLearning™ System for Education: Systematic Research on Creative Technology Integration into Classroom Practice" provides a conceptual overview and developmental “how-to” architecture on this dynamic approach to integrating educational technology into classroom practices. By harnessing the creativity of students, the FPeLearning™ Systems’ design makes use of student-based practices considered beneficial to performance outcomes while promoting skill-sets deemed necessary to potential careers and continuing education. Empowering students with his or her own learning as well as developing necessary skill-sets technologically may represent the paradigm shift that education seeks to fully integrate technology at a student-centric level. The FPeLearning™ System for education binds education to a “Technological Constructivist” (making mean from technology) method that may provide the proverbial missing link for education when technology is the lens for development.