Higher Education: Recent Trends, Emerging Issues and Future Outlook

ISBN: 9781626188419 出版年:2013 页码:345 Larry Robert Smith Nova Science


Higher education has a vital role to play in the social and economic development of all countries. The sector, however, faces a significant number of critical issues to be addressed, major challenges to be met and overcome, and significant opportunities to be grasped and consolidated. Higher education institutions are now expected to operate, manage, compete, be creative and innovative, and provide intellectual leadership in a world characterized by increasingly rapid, pervasive and fundamental change. The question of how to maximize the performance of the higher education sector in the context of such an environment is the focus of the chapters in this book, which provide perspectives, analyses and examples relating to some of the major issues and challenges confronting higher education, both now and in the future. The information presented is drawn from recent research, as well as critical analyses of existing theory and practice. Authors are drawn from ten different countries: Australia; Brazil; Belgium; China; Israel; The Netherlands; Portugal; Turkey; the United Kingdom; and the USA. The topics addressed include: the role of higher education; government policy agendas; skills for the 21st Century; the role of higher education in addressing poverty; higher education and the labor market; the future of Brazilian higher education; higher education cost-sharing policy; the impact of political culture on higher education reform; accreditation; quality assurance; improving teaching and learning; promoting technology integration; creating inclusive higher education institutions; English for academic purposes; the relationship between learning style preference and academic disciplines; quality work-integrated learning; student learning in research-based doctorates; and developing emotional intelligence in higher education students.

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