Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI). It affects genital and oral mucosa and is associated with cellular lesions which can progress to cervical cancer and some head and neck cancers respectively. In this handbook, the authors present current research on the prevalence, detection and management of HPV. Topics include HPV in adolescents; clinical utility of HPV testing in cervical cancer screening; HPV epidemiology in females and risk for cervical cancer; HPV infection in pregnant women; immunogenicity of HPV vaccination; HPV in systemic rheumatic disorders; prevalence and distribution of HPV 16, 18 and 58 in Southeast Mexico; the triad of HPV-oral sex-and oral cancer; HPV related malignancies of the reproductive tract; in silico characterization of major capsid protein L1 of HPV type 16 by molecular dynamics and determination of linear B-cell consensus epitopes; the role of HPV in non-small cell lung cancer; and the statistical aspects of HPV modelling in a quantitative manner.