Savannas: Climate, Biodiversity and Ecological Significance

ISBN: 9781626180772 出版年:2013 页码:167 Celeste Perrault Leone Bellamy Nova Science


This book presents current research in the study of the climate, biodiversity and ecological significance of savannas. Topics include central pivot fertigation for coffee plants in the Brazilian savannah; litter decomposition and nutrient release in the Miombo Savannah woodlands of Central Zimbabwe; enhancing the contributions of indigenous tree species in tackling prevailing environmental challenges in the African savannas; aerial census of elephants and other mammals in the Shimba Hills, Mkongani and Mwaluganje conservation areas of Kwale County, Kenya; aboveground vegetation and soil seed bank dynamics in response to grazing in semi-arid African rangelands; translocation of elephants from Moju-Asako to Meru and Aberdare ecosystems; absorbing root areas and transpiring leaf areas in the tropical forest and savanna boundary in Brazil; zygomycetes from Cerrado areas in Southeast Brazil; and the Guiana shield and French Guiana savannas.

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