Developmental Issues in Chinese Adolescents

ISBN: 9781620812624 出版年:2012 页码:238 Joav Merrick Nova Science


Young people are regarded as future assets of the society. Hence, adolescent prevention programs are commonly developed to tackle adolescent risk behavior and positive youth development programs are designed to promote holistic development in adolescents. However, a survey of the literature shows that research on adolescents is mainly confined to the Western societies. For Chinese psychologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists, and allied human service workers, knowledge about adolescent development is largely developed in the Western culture. To what extent is Western knowledge on adolescent development applicable to Chinese young people? Are Chinese adolescent risk behaviors similar to those in Western societies? To what extent are intervention programs, such as adolescent prevention programs, applicable to Chinese people? These are important questions to be addressed by human service professionals working with Chinese adolescents and their families.

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