Continuity versus Creative Response to Challenge: The Primacy of Resilience and Resourcefulness in Life and Therapy

ISBN: 9781628083125 出版年:2013 页码:582 Marek J Celinski Kathryn M Gow Nova Science


Everyday observations indicate that people put a lot of effort into maintaining what they consider valuable, and if they are not satisfied with the status quo and opt for change, this represents a departure into new territory where the chaotic, unknown, or mysterious have both appealing and threatening qualities. It is our intention to present to our readers the rich meaning behind either type of behaviour. In order to be “in the world”, we have to experience both sides of life which in a dialectic way would motivate us to seek and achieve progress. This book extensively covers the many aspects of personal survival and the therapeutic ways by which resilience can by promoted and fostered in individuals with varying degrees of mental, emotional, and physical resources.

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