Pharmacotherapy of Smoking Cessation: Current and Future StatusRUSH

ISBN: 9781617616013 出版年:2010 页码:79 Kiran Sondhi Nova Science


Realizing the impact of smoking on human beings, the US Public Health Service updated its 2000 Guidelines for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence in 2008 and the WHO released the MPOWER package. Both guidelines aim to counter the tobacco epidemic and reduce its deadly toll. Smoking is a leading preventable cause of mortality in the U.S. and worldwide. Tobacco use is growing fastest in the low income countries due to steady population growth coupled with tobacco industry targeting, ensuing that millions of people get fatally addicted every year. The data made available through litigation has shown that the tobacco industry has invested a tremendous amount of time and money studying young adult smoking patterns. This book will illuminate these various aspects of smoking addiction.

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