Part 1: Introductory Material. How to Use this Book. List of Abbreviations. Editor's Introduction. 1: Life and Early Publishing History. 2: Hume's General Philosophy. 3: Background Controversies in Moral Philosophy. 4: Hume's Moral Philosophy. 5: The Structure of the Text. 6: Conclusion: Hume's Influence. The Text Printed in this Edition. Supplementary Reading. Part 2: The Text. An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals. 1: Of the General Principles of Morals. 2: Of Benevolence. 3: Of Justice. 4: Of Political Society. 5: Why Utility Pleases. 6: Of Qualities Useful to Ourselves. 7: Of Qualities Immediately Agreeable to Ourselves. 8: Of Qualities Immediately Agreeable to Others. 9: Conclusion. Appendix 1. Concerning Moral Sentiment. Appendix 2. Of Self-love. Appendix 3. Some Farther Considerations with regard to Justice. Appendix 4. Of Some Verbal Disputes. A Dialogue. Part 3. Annotations to the Enquiry. Glossary. References. Index