Multimedia Security: Steganography and Digital Watermarking Techniques for Protection of Intellectual Property

ISBN: 9781591401926 出版年:2004 页码:268 Chun-Shien Lu IGI Global


This work explores the myriad of issues regarding multimedia security. It covers various issues, including perceptual fidelity analysis, image, audio, and 3D mesh object watermarking, medical watermarking, and error detection (authentication) and concealment.

Martin Kutter

Expert publications accessible even by the general public are very rare, but Dr. Lu managed to compile an excellent book that exposes in a very professional way the different aspects of multimedia security. In an easy reading and very understandable manner the key topics are being introduced to the reader, providing not only the basic concepts, but also a solid base to build on. Copyright protection, authentication, and fingerprinting of images, audio, video, and documents are only a few of the topics that are introduced and explained in Multimedia Security. A book not to miss on your bookshelf!
