Student loan forgiveness and loan repayment programs provide borrowers a means of having all or part of their student loan debt forgiven or repaid in exchange for work or service in specific fields or professions or following a prolonged period during which their student loan debt burden is high relative to their income. In both loan forgiveness and loan repayment programs, borrowers typically qualify for benefits by working or serving in certain capacities for a specified period or by satisfying other program requirements over an extended term. Upon qualifying for benefits, some or all of a borrower’s student loan debt is forgiven or paid on his or her behalf. Some of these programs are intended to support goals such as providing a financial incentive to encourage individuals to enter into and/or remain in a particular profession or public service. One such federal program that has received considerable attention in recent years is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. The PSLF program forgives borrowers’ federal student loans after they make at least 10 years of qualifying payments while working for certain public service employers.