After many centuries of study, social scientific researchers in many fields, such as those of human emotion, are still at a loss for even definitions of constructs on which to base explicit theories. In this book, human emotion factors were assessed for a sample of 291 Yoruba-speaking students with a questionnaire administered in Ibadan metropolis. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings for uplifting individual happiness, collective identity and sense of connection to others, as well as theoretical implications of these findings for the nature of attitudes, emotions and intergroup relations are explored. Next, the authors show that heuristics and biases are most likely a heritage from our evolutionary past as they are also detected in non-human primates and observed early in children. The results obtained by running a similar food gambling task with children and individuals of 6 different species of non-human primates are presented, and observed gambling rates were analysed in the different sets of individuals and estimations of different choice theories parameters were run. Risk aversion and loss aversion were detected and measured at various levels in non-human primates and children. The key finding is that cognitive processes in the context of risk are not uniquely human and are based on biologically measurable foundations.