Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril) is the major representative fruit of bromelains, cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas in developing countries. The knowledge of plant taxonomy, enzymes, antioxidants, or microbiology is beneficial to human health. Likewise, various industrial applications of pineapple-based products have led both developing and developed countries to grow dependent on the tropical fruit. The targeted audience of this book includes researchers and professional horticulturists interested in increasing the comprehension of not just the nutritional values of pineapple, but also about the technology employed to preserve the freshness of this fruit.The organization of the chapters and sections is also straightforward; Chapter One presents what a pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril) is, its taxonomy, distribution, origin, and morphology. Concluding the first part, Chapters Two and Three show the nutritional and medical values, stability and the potential therapeutic aspects of pineapples. In the second part of the book, the readers should find the relevant aspects of industrial preservation in Chapters Four, Five, Six and Seven, which talk about the harmful effects of UV and gamma radiation to freshness. Chapters Eight and Nine9 discuss postharvest conservation.