This book provides a review on the theory and dynamics of personality organization and development, or psychoanalytic theory. In its first chapter, the findings from “Psychoanalytic Training in Different Settings: The Path (the Experience) and the Outcome” are presented by Gábor Szőnyi M.D., Tímea Kardos, Hanne Stromme, and Svetlozar Vassilev, M.D., PhD, and supported by the European Psychoanalytic Federation (EPF) and the Han Groen-Prakken Psychoanalytic Institute (PIEE). Next, Zoltan Kovary PhD discusses the psychology of artistic creativity and its influence, as well as health in the creative process. Afterwards, Paola Solano and Luca Quagelli look at the latest theoretical perceptions on the link between early traumatic experiences and underrepresented mental areas. Finally, Juhani Ihanus discusses the concept of resistance and its tie to the psychoanalytic setting.