ISBN: 9781536110548 出版年:2017 页码:261 C James Taylor Nova Science
The authors' of this latest volume discuss recent advances in chemistry research. Chapter One summarizes the latest achievements on the electrochemical determination of synthetic antioxidants. Chapter Two provides an overview on the activity of essential oils with defined chemical composition, tested against cholinesterases and identifies the ones that could be potentially used in Alzheimer's treatment. Chapter Three discusses the adverse clinical effects and the potential toxicological effects of Aloe vera/ Chapter Four describes a simple, cost-effective and ecofriendly approach for the fabrication of different metal nanoparticles (MNPs) including silver, gold, iron, zinc and palladium by using different plant phytochemicals as potential reducers and stabilizers. Chapter Five studies ionic liquid-promoted synthesis of phosphinates and biphosphonic acid derivatives. Chapter Six focuses on low molecular mass reactive acrylamide copolymers as carriers of biologically active compounds. Chapter Seven discusses the phenomenon of mass concentration periodicity in amorphous matter. Chapter Eight studies the use of furan derivatives acting as electrophilic dienophiles. Chapter Nine examines the use of surfactants in the chemical treatment of crude case oriental zone in Venezuela for asphaltene mitigation.