ISBN: 9781526435026 出版年:2019 页码:638 SAGE Publications Ltd
PART ONE: FRAMING HRM Introduction The Field of Human Resource Management Human Resource Management - Howard Gospel An Historical Perspective Models of Strategic HRM - Saba Colakoglu, Ying Hong and Dave Lepak The Employment Relationship - John Budd and Devasheesh Bhave The Regulative Framework for HRM - Michael Barry The Evolution of HR Strategy - Scott A Snell and Shad Morris Adaptations to Increasing Global Complexity Strong Situations and Firm Performance - John J Haggerty and Patrick M Wright A Proposed Re-Conceptualization of the Role of the HR Function International and Comparative HRM - Richard Hall and Nick Wailes PART TWO: FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Recruitment and Selection - Filip Lievans and Derek Chapman Training and Development in Organizations - Phyllis Tharenou Management and Leadership Development - Chris Mabey and Tim Finch-Lees Understanding Performance Management and Appraisal - Michelle Brown and Victoria S Lim Supervisory and Employee Perspectives Compensation - Barry Gerhart HRM and Equal Opportunities - Anne-Marie Greene Involvement and Participation - Graham Dietz, Adrian Wilkinson and Tom Redman Extending the Reach of Job Design Theory - Sharon Parker and Sandra Ohly Going Beyond the Job Characteristics Model Health and Safety/Employee Well Being - Rebecca Loudoun and Richard Johnstone Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining - Thomas A Kochan and Greg Bamber Discipline and Grievances - Brian Klass Downsizing and Redundancy - Wayne Cascio PART THREE: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Strategic HRM - Brian E Becker and Mark Huselid Where Do We Go from Here? The Employee Experience of Work - Francis Green, Katy Huxley and Keith Whitfield HRM in Developing Countries - Pawan Budwar and Yaw A Debrah HRM and National Economic Performance - Jonathan Michie HRM and the Resource-Based View - Paul Boselie and Jaap Paauwe Complexity-Based Agile Enterprises - Lee Dyer and Jeff Ericksen Putting Self-Organizing Emergence to Work HRM across Organizational Boundaries - Mick Marchington, Fang Lee Cooke and Gail Hebson Ethics and HRM - Chris Provis Working Time and Work-Life Balance - Janet Walsh PART FOUR: SECTORAL PERSPECTIVES HRM in the Service Sector - Jody Hoffer Gittell and Rob Seidner HRM in Small Firms - Paul Edwards and Monder Ram Respecting and Regulating Informality HRM in Multinational Companies - Anthony Ferner HRM in the Public Sector - Stephen Bach