Mechanical Measurements —— Jones' Instrument Technology

----- 机械测量琼斯的仪器技术

ISBN: 9780408012317 出版年:2016 页码:179 Butterworth-Heinemann_RM


Jones' Instrument Technology, Volume 1: Mechanical Measurements, Fourth Edition, provides a comprehensive discussion of the design, operation, and application of various instruments for different types of measurements. The material has been grouped by application, but supplemented by one or two ""techniques"" chapters. The text is primarily a ""stand alone"" description of current practice. For the greatest part, readers will learn most from it simply by reading what it says itself. Because this book does not go into the greatest detail, most chapters feature a listing of more specialized books where particular subjects are dealt with more fully. The book covers instrumentation for measurements of flow, viscosity, length, strain, level and volume, vibration, force, density, pressure, vacuum, and particle size. It is aimed at a technician readership, as were earlier editions. Specialist instrument designers can find in this book a sound foundation on which they can build. Would-be graduate engineers who do not specialize in instrumentation will also find the broad coverage they need.

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