Conscious Mind in the Physical World

ISBN: 9780367403270 出版年:1990 页码:265 Squires, E J CRC Press


Part 1 Physics and conscious mind: physics as the theory of everything physics and the violation of experience physics and reductionism from physics to conscious mind. Part 2 Consciousness: what is consciousness? what is conscious? can a machine be conscious? what does consciousness do? the uniqueness of conscious mind the unconscious mind states of consciousness. Part 3 From classicla physics to the standard model: the classical era interference the quantum revolution the standard model the standard model of cosmology unanswered questions. Part 4 Philosophical background: "words, wrds, mere words" idealism realism materialism the mind-brain identity hypothesis dualism psychoneural pairs panpsychism process philosophy. Part 5 Experiments relevant to conscious mind: science needs experiments consciousness in animals blindsight the brain split brain experiments the effects on the brain of mental events the effects of consciousness on the external world. Part 6 Free will: a property of conscious mind freedom as the possibility of alternative action free-will as an illusion free-will and determinism the origin of free-will purpose and design summary of our conclusions about free-will. Part 7 Time: time and the laws of physics the experience of time time asymmetry and thermodynamics memory movement through time time and space. Part 8 Truth: facts and tautologies paradoxes axiometric systems Goedel's theorem does a machine tell the truth? Part 9 Quantum theory: particle-wave duality the wavefuction of quantum theory the probability interpretation of the wavefunction quantum theory and determinism quantum theory and external reality quantum theory and locality time and quantum mechanics. Part 10 What does quantum theory mean?: the interpretation problem the orthodox interpretation what can make a quantum theory measurment? consciousness and wavefunction reduction hidden-variable models the many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory knowledge and quantum theory. Part 11 Conscious mind and quantum physics: why does consciousness enter physics? the unique world of conscious mind free-will and quantum physics psychokinesis and quantum physics universal consciousness and clairvoyance are brain events microscopic. Part 12 Conclusions: is there an external world? is there anything else? why does it seem to matter so much? are we responsible ofr our actions? what is conscious mind?.

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