1. Techniques for identifying genetic polymorphisms: an historical perspective Peter J Wedlund 2. PCR: methods and limitations William B. Mattes and mark S. Miller 3. DNA oligonucleotide microarrays: application to genetic polymorphism analysis Maureen T. Cronin 4. Bioinformatics - genetic sites on the world wide web Mark O. Lively 5. Cancer susceptibility genes Keith W. Crawford and Peter G. Shields 6. Steroid and nuclear receptor polymorphism variants in hormone resistance and hormone independence Torsten A. Hopp and Suzanne A.W. Fuqua 7. Variation in genes regulating the immune system and relationship to disease Ann B. Begovich and Jorge R. Oksenberg 8. Polymorphisms in heart disease R Mark Payne 9. Genetic polymorphisms in the mitochondrial genome Gerrard T. berry and Paolo Fortina 10. Genetic polymorphisms affecting nervous system function Susan M. Mockus and Kent E. Vrana B Mattes, Parmacia and Upjohn Company, USA, Mark Steven Miller, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, USA, Fred Farin, University of Washington, USA, Maureen Cronin, Affymetrix, USA, David L Eaton, University of Washington, USA, Peter G Shields, National Cancer Institute, USA, Suzanne Fuqua, University of Texas, USA, Paolo Fortina, The Children's Hospital of Philidelphia, USA, Gerald T Nepom,Virgin Mason Research Centre, USA, Susan M Mockus & Kent E Vrana, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, USA, Mark Payne, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, USA.