Mechanisms of Polyphenism in Insects Stephen M. Rogers Toxins, Defensive Compounds and Drugs from Insects K. Dettner Insect Bioluminescence in the Post-Molecular Biology Era Yuichi Oba A Glance on the Role of miRNAs in Insect Life Sassan Asgari and Mazhar Hussain Advances in Insect Physiology and Endocrinology through Genomics and Peptidomics Ian Orchard and Angela B. Lange Neuropeptide Signaling and RNA Interference Klaus H. Hoffmann, Sandy Weidlichand Franziska Wende Insect Photoperiodism Shin G. Goto and Hideharu Numata Insects in Winter: Metabolism and Regulation of Cold Hardiness Kenneth B.Storey and Janet M. Storey Evolutionary Ecology of Insect Immunity Gerrit Joop and Andreas Vilcinskas The Coleopteran Gut and Targets for Pest Control Brenda Oppert, Asieh Rasoolizadeh and Dominique Michaud Trypsin Modulating Oostatic Factor (TMOF) and Insect Biotechnology Dov Borovsky RNAi Based Functional Analysis of Biosynthetic Enzymes and Transport Proteins Involved in the Chemical Defense of Juvenile Leaf Beetles Antje Burse and Wilhelm Boland Silks from Insects - From Natural Diversities to Technical Applications M. Neuenfeldt and T. Scheibel