----- 宗教间对话的问题:印度 - 基督教 - 穆斯林关系中的多元化,冲突和精英主义
Introduction Part 1: The Problem: The Concept and Practice of Dialogue 1. Dialogue in Post-Colonial India: A Brief Survey 2. The Practice of Dialogue: A Case from Kanyakumari District Part 2: Limitations of Religious Plurality, Conflict and Elitism 3. 'Religion' and 'World Religions': Some Contemporary Approaches 4. Religious Plurality and Dialogue 5. Are Religions in Conflict? 6. Dialogue and the Myth of Religious Conflicts: A Case Study 7. Dialogue as Elitist Part 3: Multiple Identities as a Challenger 8. Religion, Multiple Identities and Everyday Relations among Ordinary People 9. After Dialogue Conclusion Bibliography Index