被引数量: 2


Dress History —— New Directions in Theory and Practice

----- 服装的历史

ISBN: 9780857855411 出版年:2015 页码:249 Charlotte Nicklas Annebella Pollen Bloomsbury Publishing


The field of dress history has experienced exponential growth over the past two decades. This in-depth investigation examines the expanding borders and porous boundaries of the discipline today, outlining key debates and showcasing the most exciting research.With international case studies from a wide range of scholars, the volume encompasses work from a variety of historical periods from the late 18th century to the present day. Chronologically structured, contributors examine, critique and expand the methodologies and sources used in fashion history, analyse how dress is collected, displayed and sold, and investigate clothing's meanings and uses in the practice of identity.Exploring overlooked territories and new approaches to analysis, the book offers students and scholars a fresh appraisal of dress history in the 21st century.

S. Rowland

This book makes an important contribution to the field of dress history by bringing together new research by contributors from a wide range of backgrounds and geographical locations. Lou Taylor’s careful, interdisciplinary approach to the study of clothing is a focus for all contributors. The twelve illustrated chapters can be read in any order and each chapter takes a unique approach to its subject matter. Jonathan Fairers thought-provoking chapter outlines the development of dress history as a subject now seen as worthy of serious study. He also makes suggestions for the field to develop and remain challenging. Annebella Pollen’s background as a shoemaker informs her fascinating chapter on the cultural and political associations that relate to handmade, comfortable shoes. Jane Hattrick’s chapter casts a new light on the working practices of London couturier Norman Hartnell and shows the importance of careful archival research and interpretation. I would recommend this book to all students and scholars of fashion and material culture, but also to anyone who has an interest in thinking about clothing in a new way.


wonderful book, really up to date, great scholarship
