ISBN: 9781849201759 出版年:2011 页码:552 SAGE Publications Ltd
Editorial Introduction - David Gadd, Susanne Karstedt, Steven F. Messner PART ONE: CRIME AND CRIMINALS Life Histories and Autobiographies as Ethnographic Data - Neal Shover Self-Report Surveys within Longitudinal Panel Designs - Marvin D Krohn, Terence P Thornberry, Kristin A Bell, Alan J Lizotte, Matthew D Phillips In-depth Interviewing and Psychosocial Case Study Analysis - David Gadd Grounding the Analysis of Gender and Crime: Accomplishing and Interpreting Qualitative Interview Research - Jody Miller Neurocriminological Approaches - Yu Gao, Andrea L Glenn, Melissa Peskin, Anna Rudo-Hutt, Robert A Schug, Yaling Yang, Adrian Raine Gun Prevalence, Homicide Rates and Causality: A GMM Approach to Endogeneity Bias - Tomislav Kovandzic, Mark E Schaffer, Gary Kleck PART TWO: CONTEXTUALIZING CRIME IN SPACE AND TIME: NETWORKS, COMMUNITIES AND CULTURE Multi-level Modeling and Criminological Inquiry - Eric P Baumer amd Ashley N Arnio Examining the Role of the Environment in Crime Causation: Small Area Community Surveys and Space-Time Budgets - Per-Olof H Wikstroem, Kyle Treiber, Beth Hardie Social Networks and the Ecology of Crime: Using Social Network Data to Understand the Spatial Distribution of Crime - George E Tita and Adam Michael Boessen Using Census Data and Surveys to Study Labor Markets and Crime - Robert D Crutchfield and Suzanna R Ramirez Historical and Archival Research Methods - Barry Godfrey PART THREE: PERCEPTUAL DIMENSIONS OF CRIME Ethnographic Photography in Criminological Research - Cecile Van de Voorde Autoethnography - Jeff Ferrell Interviewing Victims of State Violence - Elizabeth Stanley Questioning Homicide and the Media: Analysis of Content or Content Analysis? - Moira Peelo and Keith Soothill Assessing Crime through International Victimization Surveys - Pat Mayhew and Jan Van Dijk In Search of the Fear of Crime: Using Interdisciplinary Insights to Improve the Conceptualisation and Measurement of Everyday Insecurities - Emily Gray, Jonathan Jackson and Stephen Farrall Measuring Public Attitudes to Criminal Justice - Julian Roberts, Matrina Feilzer, Mike Hough PART FOUR: CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS: ORGANIZATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS Researching Police Culture: A Longitudinal Mixed Method Approach - Janet Chan Quasi-experimental Research on Community Policing - Wesley G Skogan Order in the Court: Using Ethnomethodology to Explore Juvenile Justice Settings - Aaron Kupchik, Joseph De Angelis and Nicole L Bracy Evaluation Research and Probation: How to Distinguish High Performance from Low Performance Programmes - Karin Tusinski Miofsky and James M Byrne Conceptualising and Measuring the Quality of Prison Life - Alison Liebling, Susie Hulley and Ben Crewe Comparing Justice and Crime across Cultures - Susanne Karstedt PART FIVE: PREVENTING CRIME AND IMPROVING JUSTICE Experimental Criminology and Restorative Justice: Principles of Developing and Testing Innovations in Crime Policy - Heather Strang and Lawrence W Sherman Large-Scale Criminological Field Experiments - Manuel Eisner, Tina Malti, Denis Ribeaud Meta-Analysis as a Method of Systematic Reviews - Martin Schmucker and Friedrich Loesel Crime Concentration and Police Work - Ken Pease Assessing the costs of Fraud - Michael Levi The Other Cultural Criminology: The Role of Action Research in Justice Work and Development - Cyndi Banks Feminist Approaches to Criminological Research - Gail Mason and Julie Stubbs Research Ethics in Criminology - Mark Israel and Iain Hay