Shakespeare and the Story —— Aspects of Creation

----- 莎士比亚和小说:创造性方面

ISBN: 9781472506542 出版年:2014 页码:252 Joan Rees Bloomsbury Publishing


It is a commonplace of Shakespeare criticism that he invented few of the plots of his plays and the sources he drew upon have been often and rewardingly studied. The emphasis of this book, however, is not on sources but on what may be called Shakespeare's story-telling technique especially as seen in the articulation and pacing of events. Ranging widely through the canon, the book identifies characteristic problems and achievements which occur in the course of Shakespeare's handling of his story material. Different aspects of Shakespeare's treatment of, and attitude to, story are studied with reference groups of plays and, in two final chapters, essays on Hamlet and King Lear apply and extend the findings of the preceding discussions. The point of view adopted serves, above all, to bring out the vitality and resourcefulness of Shakespeare's creative imagination, recognition of which must underpin all commentary but may easily be lost to sight in the increasing sophistication of criticism and scholarship.

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