ISBN: 9781466686144 出版年:2015 页码:2,300 Information Resources Management Association IGI Global
In the digital era, users from around the world are constantly connected over a global network, where they have the ability to connect, share, and collaborate like never before. To make the most of this new environment, researchers and software developers must understand users’ needs and expectations. Social Media and Networking: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications explores the burgeoning global community made possible by Web 2.0 technologies and a universal, interconnected society. With four volumes of chapters related to digital media, online engagement, and virtual environments, this multi-volume reference is an essential source for software developers, web designers, researchers, students, and IT specialists interested in the growing field of digital media and engagement. This four-volume reference includes various chapters covering topics related to Web 2.0, e-governance, social media activism, internet privacy, digital and virtual communities, e-business, customer relationship management, and more.