Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotopes

ISBN: 9781466591738 出版年:2015 页码:457 Clark, Ian CRC Press


Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotopes Introduction Water, Rocks, and Solutes The Nature of Water Solutes in Water From Elements to Aquifers Problems Thermodynamics of Aqueous Systems Introduction Mass Action Ion Activity and Equilibrium Constants Electron Activity and Redox Speciation and Mineral Solubility Codes Mass Transfer Models Problems Geochemical Reactions Introduction Dissociation Reactions Redox Reactions Gases in Groundwater CO2 and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Problems Isotope Reactions Introduction Stable Isotope Fractionation and Distillation Radioisotopes Problems Tracing the Water Cycle Introduction Temperature-delta18O Correlation in Precipitation Meteoric Water Line for delta18O and deltaD Temperature Effects in Precipitation Groundwater Recharge Isotope Effects of Evaporation Multicomponent Groundwater Mixing Rock-Water-Gas Interaction Problems CO2 and Weathering Introduction CO2 and the Carbon Cycle Soil CO2 and Weathering Carbonate Weathering Weathering in Silicate Terrains Weathering and 13C of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Weathering and Alkalinity Advanced Chemical Weathering: Saprolites and Laterites Problems Geochemical Evolution Introduction Ion Exchange Surfaces in Aquifers Cation Exchange Sorption Redox Evolution in Groundwaters Salinity in Groundwater Graphical Presentation of Geochemical Evolution Problems Groundwater Dating Introduction Groundwater Age and Mean Residence Time Anthropogenic Tracers of Modern Groundwater Tritium-3He Dating Dating Submodern Groundwaters Radiocarbon Dating Old Groundwater Stable Isotopes and Noble Gases in Paleogroundwaters Dating Very Old Groundwater Problems Contaminant Geochemistry and Isotopes Introduction Nitrogen Species and Groundwater Contamination Organic Carbon Compounds Degradation of Fuel Oxygenates: MTBE and Ethanol Biodegradation of Organohalogens Abiotic Degradation of Organochlorine Compounds in Permeable Reactive Barriers Fugitive Gases Landfill Leachate Acid Mine Drainage Remediation Base Metals in Groundwater Salinity in Groundwater Arsenic Nuclear Waste Sampling and Analysis Introduction Field Measurements Temperature Electrical Conductivity pH Redox Potential Field Filtering Alkalinity Titrations Major Ion Geochemistry Major Anions (Cl-, F-, SO4-, NO3-, Br -) Major Cations, Minor and Trace Metals Nutrients Sulfate and Hydrogen Sulfid Isotopes in Water delta 18O and deltaD in Water Tritium Dissolved Carbon DOC and DOC Concentration and 13C Radiocarbon Nitrogen Species Isotopes NO3-- 15N and 18O NH4+- 15N Sulfur Species Isotopes SO4 2- - 34S and 18O H2S - 34S Isotopes of the Halides 37Cl 36Cl 81Br 129I Isotopes of Minor Elements Gases Effervescing Gases Dissolved Gases Analysis Noble Gases Water Samples Passive Gas Diffusion Samplers Analysis References Index

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