This paper reviewâs Christopher Tottenâs 2014 book, An Architectural Approach to Level Design. Tottenâs work arguably represents the most advanced and up to date discussion in applying traditional architecture principles to level design. The work in many aspects is ground-breaking and truly unique; he is one of the first (and only) architects writing in the field of games design and to developed an extensive discourse on why and how architectural principles, can and should be applied to the process of games design. Tottenâs work can be considered at the forefront of demonstrating the ever-expanding domain of games design; it is successfully combines two disparate disciplines, in this case architecture and games design, and despite several weaknesses can be considered to be a leading key text in the field of architecture and games design. The paper concludes with a recommendation that the work is a valuable read for both game developers in the field wanting to develop a deeper understanding of designing more immersive and authentic game spaces as well as students engaged in studying games design & development or architecture and wanting to bridge the gap between the subject areas.