Latent Markov Models for Longitudinal Data


Overview on Latent Markov Modeling Introduction Literature review on latent Markov models Alternative approaches Example datasets Background on Latent Variable and Markov Chain Models Introduction Latent variable models Expectation-Maximization algorithm Standard errors Latent class model Selection of the number of latent classes Applications Markov chain model for longitudinal data Applications Basic Latent Markov Model Introduction Univariate formulation Multivariate formulation Model identifiability Maximum likelihood estimation Selection of the number of latent states Applications Constrained Latent Markov Models Introduction Constraints on the measurement model Constraints on the latent model Maximum likelihood estimation Model selection and hypothesis testing Applications Including Individual Covariates and Relaxing Basic Model Assumptions Introduction Notation Covariates in the measurement model Covariates in the latent model Interpretation of the resulting models Maximum likelihood estimation Observed information matrix, identifiability, and standard errors Relaxing local independence Higher order extensions Applications Including Random Effects and Extension to Multilevel Data Introduction Random-effects formulation Maximum likelihood estimation Multilevel formulation Application to the student math achievement dataset Advanced Topics about Latent Markov Modeling Introduction Dealing with continuous response variables Dealing with missing responses Additional computational issues Decoding and forecasting Selection of the number of latent states Bayesian Latent Markov Models Introduction Prior distributions Bayesian inference via reversible jump Alternative sampling Application to the labor market dataset Appendix: Software List of Main Symbols Bibliography Index

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